Bible Study
The Bible is God's own Word to us - a light for our lives that clearly reveals who God is, and what He intends for us.
That's why we regularly set aside time to study the Bible and grow in our faith and understanding of God. We have two main opportunities throughout the week.
Sunday mornings at 9am
Our main adult class. Meet with a large group in the fellowship hall, grab a cup of coffee, and chat with each other before we dive into studying anything from books of the Bible to topics of interest.
Currently, we are working through the Gospel of Mark
Wednesday Mornings at 9am
An adult class that focuses primarily on a variety of topics, rather than on walkthroughs of biblical books or stories. If you are interested in learning what Christianity has to say about many aspects of our life today, this class is for you.
This class is also recorded, and available as a podcast updated each Thursday. Listen on the player above, or through any of your favorite podcast services. Search for 'Commonplaces'